Hey Folks!

Preventive & Social Medicine (Community Medicine) is a difficult branch to understand ... leave alone the aspect of liking it. Nonetheless, it is an important overarching medical subject encompassing clinical medicine, human behaviour, environment and many more.
Many students keep asking me a lot of exam questions again and again. The aim of this blog is to answer various queries and difficult concepts pertaining to this subject.
Do email me / comment if you find any mistakes or want answers to any particular qustion not listed here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sentinel surveillance of hiv is done for all except?

a. Disease trend
b. High risk group
c. Monitor effectiveness of control program
d. Population at risk


Ans: d




v HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) in India:

  1. Started in 1998. 13 rounds completed so far.
  2. The overall HIV prevalence among ANC clinic attendees is considered a proxy for prevalence among the general population,
  3. HIV estimates of prevalence, incidence and mortality developed based on findings from HIV Sentinel Surveillance enable the programme in assessing the impacts at a macro level. Provides essential information to understand the trends and dynamics of HIV epidemic among different risk groups in the country.
  4. The 13 round of HSS was implemented during 2012-13 where HIV prevalence among ANC clinic attendees was 0.35%. The highest prevalence was recorded in Nagaland (0.88%)


Highlights of Methodology of HSS at each ANC Clinics site

  • Sample Size: 400 per HSS site
  • Duration: 3 months at each HSS site
  • Frequency: Every 2 yearly
  • Sampling Method: Consecutive
  • Inclusion Criteria: Pregnant Women, aged 15-49 years, attending the antenatal clinic for the first time during HSS period
  • Testing Strategy: Unlinked Anonymous
  • Testing Protocol: Two Test Protocol


Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS):

The high risk groups and bridge population that National IBBS covers across the country are

  1. Female Sex Workers (FSW),
  2. Men who have Sex with Men (MSM),
  3. Trans-genders (TG),
  4. Injecting Drug Users (IDU),
  5. Migrants (MIG) and
  6. Currently Married Women (CMW) (not ANC mothers)


Current HIV Prevalence Statistics:

  • ANC                                            : 0.35 %
  • Migrants                          : 0.99%
  • Truckers                          : 2.59%
  • Female Sex Workers    : 2.67%
  • Men Having Sex with Men      : 4.43%
  • Injectable Drug Users  : 7.14%
  • Transgenders                : 8.82%


  1. Dr Itua cure my HIV, I have been a ARV Consumption for 10 years. i have been in pains until i came across Dr Itua on blogs site.I emailed him about my details of my HIV and my location i explained every thing to him and he told me that there is nothing to be scared of that he will cured me, he gave me guarantee,He ask me to pay for items fees so when i'm cured I will show gratitude I did and giving testimony of his healing herbs is what I'm going to do for the rest of you out there having HIV and other disease can see the good work of Dr Itua.I received his herbal medicine through EMS Courier service who delivered to my post office within 5 working days.Dr Itua is an honest man and I appreciate him for his good work.My GrandMa called him to appreciate him and rest of my friends did too,Is a joy to me that I'm free of taking Pills and having that fat belle is a nightmare.you will understand what i'm talking about if you have same problem I was having then not now though.I'm free and healthy Big Thanks To Dr Itua Herbal Center.I have his calendar too that he recently sent me,He Cure all kind disease Like,Cancer,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis B,Liver/Kidney Inflamatory,Epilepsy,Infertility,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd ,and also Bring back Ex Lover Back..Here his Contact .drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Or Whats_app Number +2348149277967

  2. Dr Itua cure my HIV, I have been a ARV Consumption for 10 years. i have been in pains until i came across Dr Itua on blogs site.I emailed him about my details of my HIV and my location i explained every thing to him and he told me that there is nothing to be scared of that he will cured me, he gave me guarantee,He ask me to pay for items fees so when i'm cured I will show gratitude I did and giving testimony of his healing herbs is what I'm going to do for the rest of you out there having HIV and other disease can see the good work of Dr Itua.I received his herbal medicine through EMS Courier service who delivered to my post office within 5 working days.Dr Itua is an honest man and I appreciate him for his good work.My GrandMa called him to appreciate him and rest of my friends did too,Is a joy to me that I'm free of taking Pills and having that fat belle is a nightmare.you will understand what i'm talking about if you have same problem I was having then not now though.I'm free and healthy Big Thanks To Dr Itua Herbal Center.I have his calendar too that he recently sent me,He Cure all kind disease Like,Cancer,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis B,Liver/Kidney Inflamatory,Epilepsy,Infertility,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd ,and also Bring back Ex Lover Back..Here his Contact .drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Or Whats_app Number +2348149277967
