Hey Folks!

Preventive & Social Medicine (Community Medicine) is a difficult branch to understand ... leave alone the aspect of liking it. Nonetheless, it is an important overarching medical subject encompassing clinical medicine, human behaviour, environment and many more.
Many students keep asking me a lot of exam questions again and again. The aim of this blog is to answer various queries and difficult concepts pertaining to this subject.
Do email me / comment if you find any mistakes or want answers to any particular qustion not listed here.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The extent to which a specific health care treatment, service, procedure, program, or other intervention produces a beneficial result under ideal controlled conditions is its:

a. Effectiveness
b. Efficacy
c. Efficiency
d. Effect modification

Ans: b. Efficacy

v  Efficacy (Potency) is the extent to which a specific intervention, procedure, or service produces the desired effect, under ideal conditions (controlled environment, lab circumstances). An efficacy study asks the question, "Does the vaccine work?"

v  Effectiveness is the extent to which a specific intervention, procedure, or service produces the desired effect, under ordinary conditions (real life, not controlled). an effectiveness study asks the question "Does vaccination help people?"

v  Efficiency is the ratio of the output to the inputs of any system. When outputs > inputs, then system is highly efficient.

Vaccine efficacy shows how effective the vaccine could be given ideal circumstances and 100% vaccine uptake; 

Vaccine effectiveness measures how well a vaccine performs when it is used in routine circumstances in the community

Clinical Trial Phase I :  Safety Trial
Clinical Trial Phase II: Immunogenicity Trial
Clinical Trial Phase III: Efficacy Trial
Clinical Trial Phase IV: Effectiveness Trial

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