Hey Folks!

Preventive & Social Medicine (Community Medicine) is a difficult branch to understand ... leave alone the aspect of liking it. Nonetheless, it is an important overarching medical subject encompassing clinical medicine, human behaviour, environment and many more.
Many students keep asking me a lot of exam questions again and again. The aim of this blog is to answer various queries and difficult concepts pertaining to this subject.
Do email me / comment if you find any mistakes or want answers to any particular qustion not listed here.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

An investigator wants to study the association between maternal iron supplements intake (Present / Absent) and birth weight (in gms) of new born babies. She collects this data from 1000 pregnant women and their newborns. How will you help the investigator in testing his hypothesis?

a. Chi Square Test
b. Independent t Test
c. Mc Nemar Test

Ans: b

Step 1: Identify type of data to be compared. Here, we will compare baby birth weight(in gms) which is an Interval/ Ratio (continous) type of data

Step 2: Identify the number of groups across which data is to be compared. Here we want to compare baby birth weight across 2 groups namely Iron Supplements Yes and No

Step 3: Identify if the group is unpaired or paired.

Then using the following table we will see that the correct answer here will be Independent t test.

Note that if data to be compared was Low birth weight and Normal Birth Weight (and not Birth weight in grams) then it will be a Nominal Type of data and then correct answer will be Chi Square test.

1 comment:

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